My first post for this month...yikes! Sorry been very busy with work.
Here's a quick review:

EOS (Evolution of smooth) lip balm is 95% organic, 100% natural and paraben and petrolatum free. Packed with antioxidant-rich vitamin E, soothing shea butter and jojoba oil, EOS keeps your lips moist, soft and sensationally smooth.Gluten-free, Paraben-free, Petrolatum-free, Phthalate-free.
RETAIL PRICE: $11.99 excluding salex tax and shipping fees. Super thanks to sis MELVEL for purchasing this for me.
WEIGHT: 7 grams for the Sphere lipbalm; 4 grams for the Stick lipbalm.
* Smooth Sphere Lipbalm - available in 5 flavors.
* Smooth Stick Lipbalm - available in 3 flavors.
PROS:WEIGHT: 7 grams for the Sphere lipbalm; 4 grams for the Stick lipbalm.
* Smooth Sphere Lipbalm - available in 5 flavors.
* Smooth Stick Lipbalm - available in 3 flavors.
* Honestly, I purchased this coz I can't resist the eye catching egg-shaped packaging.
* smells yummy!
* made of natural ingredients perfect for sensitive lips.
* easy to apply; glides smoothly and evenly.
* no weird taste
* moisturises without the waxy feeling
* feels lightweight
* smells yummy!
* made of natural ingredients perfect for sensitive lips.
* easy to apply; glides smoothly and evenly.
* no weird taste
* moisturises without the waxy feeling
* feels lightweight
* it lasts for about 2-3 hours on my (bare) lips so you need to reapply often.
* the sphere lipbalm is kinda bulky to carry especially if you plan to put it inside your pocket.
* the sphere lipbalm is kinda bulky to carry especially if you plan to put it inside your pocket.
* Sweet Mint - coz of the minty sensation it gives and it smells so yummy!
* Vanilla Bean - the scent is similar to MAC lippies.
This is a nice lipbalm to have but CARMEX is still my Holy grail! =) I prefer waxy lipbalms coz I have super dry lips.
RATING : 3/5
More pics (click to enlarge)
wow you have this na! so jealous... but it's still too pricey for just a lip balm... I'll just try lip ice..hehe
You're welcome, Khymm :) I got one for myself too :)
sooo cute!
I totally agree with you! People seem to LOOOOVE this product but it really just doesn't do it for me... Carmex FTW!
i wanted to buy them just because of the cute egg shaped package!!!
They lip balms are stinkin' cute but I still love my Carmex too! Cherry flavor :D
I used these lip balms before and I had to reapply every 30 minutes are so -___- I brought because of the reviews I read. I'm just gonna stick with carmex and vaseline
I really wanted to try eos lip balms! kaso lng can't find one pa. ung iba over priced lalo na online :(
hi ate khymm!
they are super cute. i kinda think of them as eggs.
Love EOS lipbalms. It perfect for me since I apply it before putting my matte lipstick on. :)
@misskatv U can purchase EOS on digitaltraincase website. :)
Nice Blog Sis. :)
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